
In International Media

Die Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany
Herald Tribune, Paris
Newsweek, USA
The Guardian, London
The Times, London
The Irish Times, Ireland
Die Zeit, Hamburg
Der Spiegel, Hamburg
Weltwoche, Zurich
Zürcher Tagesanzeiger, Zurich
Sonntagszeitung, Zurich
Basler Zeitung, Switzerland
NZZ am Sonntag, Switzerland
Frankfurter Rundschau, Germany
World Press Review, USA
Die Union, Dresden
Publik-Forum, Germany
Vlasta, Prague
Nase Rodina, Prague
Courrier International, Paris
Le Monde, Paris
Le Midi, Toulouse/France
Cosmopolitan, Munich
Die Welt, Berlin
Szabadzaj, Budapest
Wochenzeitung für Europäer, Luxembourg
Delo, Laibach
Deutsches Allgemeines Sonntagsblatt
Nebelspalter, Switzerland
The Finest International Cartoons of our Time, USA 1992/93/94
Demokratie heute, Schleswig-Holstein Germany
Handelsblatt, Germany
Karl, German chess newspaper
Queries Magazine FEPS, Brussels
POLITICO, Europe Edition, Brussels
New York Times Syndicate, USA
The Japan Times


In Austrian Media

Der Standard, Vienna (permanent), daily newspaper
GEGENWART, Tyrolian magazine for culture, 1989–1997
Trend, monthly economic magazine
Profil, weekly news magazine
Option, monthly magazine
Extradienst monthly news magazine for communication and media
Wiener, monthly magazine
Neue Kronen Zeitung, daily newspaper
Die Presse, daily newspaper
Kurier, daily newspaper
Rot-Weiß-Rot (Newspaper for Austrians living in foreign countries)
Saison Tirol
Luftpost (medicinal Journal)
Regel-Kreis (medicinal Journal)
Doctor’s (medical Periodical)
Forum Dr. Med
Der Juwelier (Journal for watches)
Act! (Greenpeace)
Forum Mobil Austria
Big Mäcazine (McDonald’s)
Golf Week
Kärntner Tageszeitung, daily newspaper
WU-Alumni-News, WU (University for Economy) Vienna

And several more ...



In Books & Bookillustrations

Selections of important works

1991 "KK Dissident Karel Havlicek" by Georg J. Morawa, Olmütz
1991 "Prager Feinschmecker" by Georg J. Morawa, Sfinga Verlag
1991 "... weil mir die Wahrheit nicht mehr eingefallen ist" by Josef Sonnweber and Oliver Schopf, Wort-und-Welt Verlag, Innsbruck
1994 "Große Europäer" by Oliver Schopf, Ibera
1998 "Perlenreihe Golf" and "Perlenreihe Fußball ", Deuticke
1998 “Was bleibt vom Schilling“ by Walter Osztovics, Ibera (Coverillustration)
1998 “Bekennen Sie sich schuldig“ by Daniel Glattauer, Döcker Verlag, (Coverillustration)
1999 “Bierkatechismus“ by Conrad Seidl, Deuticke
2001 “Der Ritter von der traurigen Gestalt“ by Walter Wippersberg and Oliver Schopf, Obelisk Verlag Innsbruck
2003 “Kein Kommentar“, Oliver Schopf, Jean Veenenbos, Dieter Zehentmayr by Severin Heinisch (Editor), Ueberreuter Verlag

... and severals reproductions in miscellaneous publications
